Stopping in to say hi and celebrate the 100th day of school, Throwback Thursday style!
In SE Asia, the school year is set up differently, so the 100th day has come and gone (and I'm not sure that they really make note of it). That just means that I'll have to take advantage of TBT and live vicariously through all of your posts!
I just read about {
Molly's} 100th day of school and I wish I was in her class! Too much fun.
Side note: President's Day is just around the corner and if you are looking for a little something, I have a "Presidential Patterns" freebie that you can check out {
Back to the 100th day. I posted this last January and cannot wait to celebrate again!
Originally posted on January 7, 2013
The 100th day of school is one of my favorite celebrations--so much joy!
Last year, my kids were greeted by this little banner hanging in the doorway
and they were SO surprised!
Our entire day was devoted to celebrating one hundred days of school--
math stations, literacy stations, writing, etc.
Here are a couple of things that we did last year in the classroom:
We made ourselves at 100!
The kiddos were quite creative and I love how each one was unique.
The idea was not my own, but I did trace a head and the little shoulders onto a manilla folder.
I checked on Pinterest to see where the idea came from, and
here it is!
My kids (and I) LOVED this activity and I will definitely be using this activity for many years to come!
After crafting, the kiddos wrote about themselves at 100--love.
The left picture is me at 100, and the right is one of my little guys at 100. Look at his tie--so creative!
100th Day trailmix, allergy friendly for the littles.
The kids gathered 10 of each item (10 items total) and kept it in a Ziploc baggie as an after school snack. I found the sorting sheet
It is a part of
Rachelle's {what the teacher wants} 100's Day Activities pack and it is FREE.

I also cut the numbers 1, 0, and 0 out on the dicut machine at school and had the littles create a picture using the three numbers.
My example was a snorkeler with goggles and a snorkel {
she was pretty cute, if I do say so myself!}, and the kids came up with some HILARIOUS pictures.
The idea was from my Mentor Teacher, and I will definitely be using it again!
I found a picture! Kind of.
At the very bottom is my little snorkeler with the two zeros turned sideways and used as goggles. What you are unable to see, bummer, is her cute snorkel made with the number one!
Well I only have pictures of those few activities, sad, but we had tons of other fun!
We read books about the 100th day of school and the number 100.
The kiddos wrote their own books about the number 100.
At a math station, they flipped a coin one hundred times and counted to see whether they had more Heads or Tails.
One of the literacy stations had them brainstorming a list of 100 words that they could read.
So much learning--
and so much fun!!
The day is soon approaching and I hope that you can find some cute ideas--there are plenty out there!
Happy 100th day of school!